Category: Uncategorized

  • Tips to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

    Tips to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

    As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, it’s important to start thinking about preparing your garden for winter. This may seem like a daunting task, but a little bit of planning now can save you a lot of work later. From cleaning up dead leaves and debris that prevents diseases and pests…

  • How To Effectively Remove Weeds From Paving And Patios

    How To Effectively Remove Weeds From Paving And Patios

    The natural beauty of stone or brick patios and pavement appeals to many homeowners. The natural colour of bricks and stones complements any landscaping you decide to implement in your garden. However, such patios and pavements can look scruffy rather quickly if weeds are allowed to grow and thrive in between the stone gaps. Herein…

  • How To Cut Paving Slabs Using Different Tools

    How To Cut Paving Slabs Using Different Tools

    The requirement to cut slabs into different sizes is never-ending. Whether renovating your driveway or landscaping your backyard, you probably need to cut slabs to size. There are plenty of ways to cut your slabs to fit unique and precise spaces. Herein, we’ll delve into how you can cut slabs into sizes. Cutting Paving Slabs…

  • 9 Modern Outdoor Design Ideas for Your Home

    9 Modern Outdoor Design Ideas for Your Home

    The outdoor of your home is the first thing that guests see when they come over. It is important to make a good impression by making sure that the area is well-decorated and inviting. From getting rid of the clutter to decorating the outdoor with plants and lights, there are many things that you can…

  • 10 Innovative Garden Design Ideas

    10 Innovative Garden Design Ideas

    Most people think of gardening as a way to cultivate plants, but what about using gardening as a way to design your outdoor space? Gardens can be used to create focal points in your yard and add personality. This guide will provide some tips on how to design your garden. Let’s get started!

  • How To Keep Your Paving Clean | 2021 Guide | Driveway & Paving Specialists

    How To Keep Your Paving Clean | 2021 Guide | Driveway & Paving Specialists

    This article will explore the best methods known for maintaining and caring for all forms of paving. This is the knowledge we have learned from our wealth of experience within the paving industry across Dublin. Paving is a popular choice for homeowners because it offers an extremely attractive and long-term option for decorating an area…

  • How to Kill Moss on Tarmac Driveways

    How to Kill Moss on Tarmac Driveways

    As good as tarmac driveways look, at some point in time, some can begin to harbour algae and moss build-up. Tarmac by nature has gaps which often store water and are damp during colder periods of the year, especially in areas under trees or with limited sunlight. This moist area is the perfect place for…

  • Roadstone Paving

    Roadstone Paving

    One of the most important things you have to keep in mind while paving your driveway or patio is to focus on both foundation and aesthetic. It is not just a saying but an actual truth that whenever someone visits the place you call your home; they will go back and think about your hospitality…

  • Kilsaran Paving

    Kilsaran Paving

    Here at Driveway Paving, we are expert installers of Kilsaran paving and walling. We have been working with Kilsaran paving products for many years and have in depth knowledge of each and every one. We are one of Dublin’s leading contractors. Our expertise coupled with Kilsarans’ 26 year history of supplying quality products guarantees you…

  • Benefits of Having a Patio

    Benefits of Having a Patio

    Before starting, let’s explain what a patio is. The word is Spanish and refers to the inner courtyard. So, a patio is the outdoor paved area adjoined to your house, and generally, this area is used for dining or recreation activities. Having a patio in your house improves your life in various ways. Starting from…