The builder who started this project trusted us with finishing two driveways and a patio in Palmerstown, in which we used identical, top quality materials.
He welcomed our team with the finished groundwork on both sites. Ready to take on the first driveway, we warmed up our hands with a heavy duty wacker plate to compact the ground. Firstly we ran the wacker to ensure that the hardcore base will remain solid for many upcoming years, and we ran it the second time to level the paving sandwhich keeps everything in level for cobblelock installation for a flawless finish on the driveway. The borders were created using silver granted Corrib cobblelock and to fulfill the central part were used the same ones in black color, which altogether portray a recognizable and classic design. To add some colors and a unique element to the driveway, we made a half circle flowerbed using block paving charcoal carbs from Kilsaran. For filling the joints once the block paving was done, silica sand was brushed in to interlock all the blocks together and keep it that way no matter the season.
You can always visit our cobblelock gallery for more similar results.
Now we were ready to move onto next one.
Next door we added gravel to the mix in the driveway construction along with the same corrib granite cobblelocks.
To set and compact the hardcore layer, process was the same as with the previous one. Then we followed by installing the dust layer which is very important because it stops mixing of the gravel with the hardcore. Before the gravel was spread, Corrib black granite cobblelock footpath and borders were laid on well compacted and leveled paving sand. It had to go in this particular order because with cobblelocks in place, everything was framed nicely, and ready for gravel. It was now time to move the equipment to the back, to work on the patio area. In contrast to the front area, here the silver cobblelocks were used as a main theme while the black ones were used for the borders around the edges, which were patched with strong concrete mix. The same silica sand was used for filling the joints. Lastly the Wicklow granite gravel 14 to 20mm in thickness, was set in place which finished this chapter.
For more similar results, visit our gravel paving gallery.
Give us a call now for your free no obligation quotation on 0852175888 or 019039026. You can also reach us by email at or via Whatsapp.